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Well, we are about five days past the presidential election of 2012, and everything is a little goofy right now. As you already know, Pres. Obama won his bid for reelection. However, there are some really strange things going on in this great nation of ours. Stick with me as we recap some of this past week’s events.

Leading up to the election, almost every national poll had Pres. Obama ahead or tied. The only poll that had met Romney ahead was the Rasmussen poll, which typically leans Republican. Despite the hard evidence, Republican pundits like Dick Morris, Karl Rove, Sean Hannity and pill popping Rush Limbaugh all predicted that Mitt Romney would win an electoral College landslide. On election night, Pres. Obama’s reelection bid was completed by 11:15 PM. Pres. Obama, despite with the above pundits predicted, one every single swing state. Well, at least the important ones.

When the state of Ohio was called for Obama, Karl Rove on Fox news was befuddled and disheveled. So much so that Megan Kelly asked him if he was using real math or Republican math. It’s pretty bad for Republicans when Fox news becomes the voice of reason for your party.

Despite voter suppression efforts in several states like Pennsylvania, Colorado, Ohio and Florida, president Obama and every Democratic Sen. up for reelection won. Because of this, Republicans are claiming that Pres. Obama’s administration illegally rigged the election to favor the Democrats. Regardless, this ludicrous notion has resonated throughout Republican supporters across the country. Are we now a country divided?

There was an article recently written on examiner.com that talks about how divided our nation truly is. The article talks about 15 different states that have filed a petition to the United States government to allow their states to secede from the union. It’s a sad day when right wing extremists will take it this far.

There is a theory by many Republicans that president Obama has a socialistic agenda that will somehow turn us into a communist country. That’s right, it is believed by these people that the reelection of Pres. Obama was a plot hatched 48 years ago in Kenya to turn the United States into a socialist, communist country. Mind you, there is no evidence of this. The right wing hate machine called Fox news and radio shows like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have promoted this type of thinking to Americans all over the country. This thinking is extremely dangerous. It does not help our country move forward.

Perhaps you should think of it this way. Some believe that racism is alive and well in the United States of America. Electing the first black president four years ago was an unbelievable accomplishment. Reelecting him is by far the most ridiculously unbelievable accomplishment yet. If Republicans and right-wing extremists would honestly consider what we have gone through in the last four years, this election would’ve been an even worse landslide favoring Pres. Obama. The problem is, he does not look like you and me, he has a name that rhymes with the world’s most sought-after terrorist (who is dead now) and he is a Democrat. If Pres. Barack Hussein Obama was named Brad Smith, had blonde hair and blue eyes, we would be celebrating him as being one of the best and most productive presidents this country has ever seen.

The coming years will be very interesting. We as Americans live in a country of immigrants. We are all descendents of other cultures from foreign lands. Our diversity is what makes our country great. We have always congregated towards the middle in this country. There is no reason why we should do anything different now.